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Modified version of base::max() that differs in the following ways:

  • NAs in the input (...) are ignored by default (rm_na = TRUE).

  • If the input is of length zero, the output will also be of length zero (of the same type as the input).

  • It is ensured that all inputs are either numeric, of length zero or NA. The only case where the return value will be -Inf or NA is when the input contains only -Inf or NA.

  • Dynamic dots are supported.


safe_max(..., rm_na = TRUE)



Numeric objects of which to determine the maximum. Dynamic dots are supported.


Ignore missing values in .... If missing values are present and rm_na = FALSE, the result will always be NA.


A numeric scalar or empty value, of the same type as ....

See also

Other statistical computing / numeric functions: round_to(), safe_min(), safe_seq_len(), stat_mode()


# other than `base::max()`, this function removes `NA`s by default
max(1, NA_real_, 2)
#> [1] NA
pal::safe_max(1, NA_real_, 2)
#> [1] 2

# other than `base::max()`, this function does not return `-Inf` or `NA_character_` for
# zero-length inputs
#> Warning: no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
#> [1] -Inf
#> Warning: no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
#> [1] -Inf
#> integer(0)

# other than `base::max()`, this function fails for non-numeric inputs
max("zero", 1L)
#> [1] "zero"
max("zero", "one")
#> [1] "zero"
#> Warning: no non-missing arguments, returning NA
#> [1] NA
try(pal::safe_max("zero", 1L))
#> Error in purrr::map(input, function(x) checkmate::assert_numeric(x, typed.missing = TRUE,  : 
#>    In index: 1.
#> Caused by error in `.f()`:
#> ! Assertion on '...' failed: Must be of type 'numeric' (or 'NULL'), not 'character'.
try(pal::safe_max("zero", "one"))
#> Error in purrr::map(input, function(x) checkmate::assert_numeric(x, typed.missing = TRUE,  : 
#>    In index: 1.
#> Caused by error in `.f()`:
#> ! Assertion on '...' failed: Must be of type 'numeric' (or 'NULL'), not 'character'.
#> Error in purrr::map(input, function(x) checkmate::assert_numeric(x, typed.missing = TRUE,  : 
#>    In index: 1.
#> Caused by error in `.f()`:
#> ! Assertion on '...' failed: Must be of type 'numeric' (or 'NULL'), not 'character'.