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Convenience wrapper around a bunch of httr2 functions.


req_cached(url, max_tries = 3L)



HTTP protocol address. The scheme is optional, so both "" and "" will work. A character scalar.


Maximum number of attempts to retry in case of an HTTP error. An integerish scalar.


  • If the HTTP request succeeds, and the status code is ok (e.g. 200), an HTTP response.

  • If the HTTP request succeeds, but the status code is an error (e.g a 404), an error with class c("httr2_http_404", "httr2_http"). By default, all 400 and 500 status codes will be treated as an error, but you can customise this with req_error().

  • If the HTTP request fails (e.g. the connection is dropped or the server doesn't exist), an error with class "httr2_failure".

See also

Other HTTP functions: assert_mime_type(), is_http_success(), is_url()