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Converts the provided R expressions to their character representation using base::deparse1() and formats them as verbatim Markdown.


  .eval = TRUE,
  .collapse = " ",
  .backtick = TRUE,
  .control = c("keepNA", "keepInteger", "niceNames", "showAttributes", "warnIncomplete"),
  .width.cutoff = 500L,
  .nlines = -1L



R expression(s) to convert to verbatim Markdown. Must be unnamed. Dynamic dots are supported.


Whether or not to evaluate the expression(s) in ....


String to separate the results of a single expression in ....


Whether or not to enclose symbolic names in backticks if they do not follow the standard syntax.


Deparsing options. A character vector or NULL. See base::.deparseOpts for all possible options.


Cutoff (in bytes) at which line-breaking is tried. An integer scalar between 20 and 500.


Maximum number of lines to produce. A negative value indicates no limit. An integer scalar.


A character vector of the same length as ....

See also

Other (Pandoc) Markdown functions: as_md_list(), as_md_val_list(), as_md_vals(), pipe_table(), strip_md(), strip_md_footnotes()


pal::md_verb(1:3, "It", is.logical, `||`, FALSE, quote(`?!`)) |>
#> `1:3`
#> `"It"`
#> `.Primitive("is.logical")`
#> `.Primitive("||")`
#> `FALSE`
#> `` `?!` ``

# you can splice vector or list expressions if you like
pal::md_verb(!!!1:3, "It", is.logical, `||`, FALSE, quote(`?!`)) |>
#> `1L`
#> `2L`
#> `3L`
#> `"It"`
#> `.Primitive("is.logical")`
#> `.Primitive("||")`
#> `FALSE`
#> `` `?!` ``

# to evaluate, or not to evaluate, that is the question
pal::md_verb(!!!1:3, "It", is.logical, `||`, FALSE, quote(`?!`),
             .eval = FALSE) |>
#> `!!!1:3`
#> `"It"`
#> `is.logical`
#> `` `||` ``
#> `FALSE`
#> `` quote(`?!`) ``

# unevaluated expressions do not need to exist
pal::md_verb(Not, actual(), `R-expressions`,
             .eval = FALSE) |>
#> `Not`
#> `actual()`
#> `` `R-expressions` ``

# you can opt out of wrapping non-standard syntax in additional backticks
pal::md_verb(Not, actual(), `R-expressions`,
             .eval = FALSE,
             .backtick = FALSE) |>
#> `Not`
#> `actual()`
#> `R-expressions`